Emma and her daddy’s guitars


Emma is fascinated with her daddy’s guitars and wanted to have her picture taken with some of his faves:
Bottom row- ’89 Charvel 275, “62 strat reissue, ‘999 Gibson SG special, ’05 LP goldtop standard, ’05 Fender custom shop 51 Tele NOS one-off (really),’52 reissue tele, ’85 G&L Broadcaster (Leo signed)
Top row- SRV strat (modified), ’57 reissue strat, ’75 gibson Hummingbird, ’63 Epiphone Seville, ’03 Taylor 314
Amps: ’82 Fender Princeton, ’05 Twin reisue, ’05 Marshall DSL 100 half stack

Me in heaven! Vox and Two Strats
The Misfits
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