Boston-based musician Johnny A told VG that upon his return November 12 from a tour overseas, he discovered that three guitars had been stolen from his home in Salem, New Hampshire. The thieves broke a window then escaped through a door as the house alarm sounded.
The instruments included a ’68 Gibson EB-2D in Burgundy Red Metallic finish. It has a repaired headstock, visible on the back (photos can be seen at www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150456486835351.418237.658280350&type=1). Also stolen was a 2009 Gibson Custom Advanced Jumbo, serial number 01689062, with a sunburst finish, a slimmer design (3/4″), and a three-piece back, and a reissue Höfner Beatle Bass with sunburst finish.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Steve Woidyla at the Salem Police Department, (603) 890-2314, or Johnny directly at aglaosounds@aol.com.