Surfy Industries Announces Three New Releases At The NAMM Show 2025

Surfy Industries Announces  Three New Releases At The  NAMM Show 2025

Anaheim, CA, January 24, 2025: Surfy Industries announced yesterday
its three new products at the NAMM Show 2025.


This is a character pedal featuring the actual circuitry of the Brownface
Showman with tone stack, presence control, tremolo (both usual SurfyTrem
configurations), vintage voicing, line out and phone preamp jack. Surfy
Industries has worked out the details of the sound of the amp to recreate it
exactly and precisely. The result is simply phenomenal like nothing else on
the market.


The latest add-on to our reverb family, featuring something that customers
have been asking us for from day 1: the tremolo and the reverb together.
Compared to the SurfyBear Compact you already know, this features 9-12V
no polarity, so it is actually pedalboard friendly at best. It also can connect
to an external spring pan which would be selectable for each individual
mixer control. The tremolo is our SurfyTrem dual configuration and is
selectable for pre or post reverb.


This is a Swiss army-knife tool that solves a lot of practical problems on
stage or in the studio, by, in a few words, converting everything to
everything. No need for DJs or audio rental companies to carry around lots
of different cables to be ready for any necessity, featuring a mono switch
and the possibility, if connected to a power supply, to work as a phono preamp.

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