In Ep. 24 of “Have Guitar Will Travel,” host James Patrick Regan visits with luthier Barry Grezbik, of Grez Guitars. They discuss talk Barry’s influences and how he is applying his experience as a designer of audio products and sound systems to create non-traditional guitars with an emphasis on function. They also touch on his approach to surviving as a small-shop builder in the modern world, his use of redwood and a batch of repurposed wood with a great back story, and his work with folks who make pickups, bridges and tuners.
Each episode is available on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, iheartradio, Tune In, Google Play Music, and Spotify!
Have Guitar Will Travel, hosted by James Patrick Regan, otherwise known as Jimmy from the Deadlies, is presented by Vintage Guitar magazine, the destination for guitar enthusiasts. Podcast episodes feature guitar players, builders, dealers and more – all with great experiences to share! Find all podcasts at www.vintageguitar.com/category/podcasts.