Today, James Patrick Regan is speaking with Doug Kauer, a guitar builder and the owner of two guitar lines: Kauer guitars and Titan guitars.
They talk about his start working in his dads cabinet shop all the way through having guitars he built be on the road with some of the most notable guitarists out there… and they talk about his customer appreciation festival the “Kauer-fest”. Also, they talk about his relationship with Gibson and some of the ins and outs with guitar wood and materials legal issues, and his furniture grade guitar stands that pass the relationship test… https://www.kauerguitars.com
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Images from Doug’s Shop:
Have Guitar Will Travel, hosted by James Patrick Regan, otherwise known as Jimmy from the Deadlies, is presented by Vintage Guitar magazine, the destination for guitar enthusiasts. Podcast episodes feature guitar players, builders, dealers and more – all with great experiences to share! Find all podcasts at www.vintageguitar.com/category/podcasts.