Tom’s put out some stuff on record before, and it’s been pretty good. This one’s a little bit different. As the title says, there’s not one word. It’s all instrumental, and Tom does a great job of letting his Strat do his talking for him.
The thing you notice on first listen is the killer tones, great guitar sounds, and wonderful sense of melody highlighted throughout. From the tour de force opener, “One Night In Hindustan,” with the singing tone and solo chrodal work and harmonics to the Beck-esque “Another Place, Another Time,” Tom plays great.
The minor-key “Santana Clause” (what a great title) has some nasty chops and (as you might expect from a song with that title) big, fat tone. The ending of “’67/’68” is so cool. It’s like the mid-to-late Beatles have taken over the sound for a few minutes. Guaranteed to bring a smile. There’s lots here to like. “Blue Groove” is a shuffle with a relaxed feel that cooks. Sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s not. Check out the nice mix of chords, single-line work, and octaves. Very, very nice!
I’d definitely recommend this one to fans of instumental guitar albums. Powerhouse Records, PO Box 2213, Falls Church, VA 22042, www.tomprincipato.com
This article originally appeared in VG‘s April ’01 issue. All copyrights are by the author and Vintage Guitar magazine. Unauthorized replication or use is strictly prohibited.