Everyone assumed with the departure of Mark Olson the Jayhawks would fold up their tent and go their own ways. Well, this terrific CD takes care of any such rumor. The band carries on fine. The sound is a little more pop/rock, even Beatle-esque, in some areas.
As always, Gary Louris has written some great songs and the band makes ’em all sound wonderful. The guitar solos by Louris reflect the usual Neil Young influence and the very dry clean sound on occasion brings Abbey Road-period guitars to mind. Louris is a minimalist in the best sense of the word. The notes played, and the sound, are all on the money.
Highlights here include the wonderful “Big Star,” “Trouble,” and “Dying on the Vine.” Here’s hoping this CD will serve as some sort of breakthrough and the ‘Hawks will have a hit record.
This review originally appeared in VG‘s July ’97 issue.