Jump blues are like licorice: if you like it, you can’t get enough. Jellyroll satisfies the craving with a cool selection of 12 classic tunes, from “Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t My Baby” to “Flat Foot Floogie.”
But Jellyroll is not just your typical revival band. This is hot stuff. The band is tight with a capital T. The band is made up of vocalist Belinda Blair, drummer Steve Dekrone, and Django-style guitarist Paul Mehling on holiday from his Hot Club of San Francisco.
The band expertly layers exacting vocal harmonies and classy interplay between the soloists to create a sound that is all cool. Few people on the scene today do classic jump blues this good. To get your copy, write Jellyroll 855 Scott, San Francisco, CA 94117, or via e-mail (JellySJD @aol.com).
This review originally appeared in VG‘s May ’98 issue.