Each Strat in the event will include individual artwork and will be auctioned October 22 through November 1. Proceeds will benefit Waves For Water, an organization that brings access to potable water to nations in need.
“As forms of creative expression, music and art have always been closely linked and ride the same cultural waves,” said Justin Norvell, vice president of product marketing for Fender. “A musician’s desire to express themselves has often led to their guitars and basses being painted – like Jimi Hendrix’s Monterrey Strat, Joe Strummer’s Stenciled Telecaster guitar, or art commissions like Eric Clapton’s guitars painted by Crash. This collaboration is an exciting and natural fit – we have tons of crossover between the musician, skate and surf communities, and are stoked to get together for a great cause.”
On October 24, a charity art show will take place at Hurley’s headquarters, in Orange County. Featured artists include Shawn Stussy, Hardy, Craig Stecyk, Christian Jacobs, Natalia Fabia, Ryan Adams, Johnny Marr, Brandon Boyd, Tommy Guerrero, Ray Barbee, Wes Humpston, Lance Mountain, Tim Armstrong, Tim Biskup, Dan Smith, Albert De Alba, Russell Crotty, Tokyo Hiro, Cryptik, and Thomas Campbell.
All proceeds benefit Waves For Water. To learn more, visit ebay.com/stratauction, and wavesforwater.org.